Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final Reflections...

While the Camino was very much a physical walk and challenge, it was very much a spiritual and personal journey for most of us on the road. The different space away from work and regular patterns of life gave time to talk, to listen, to think and reflect. In some senses it was an 'unreal' time, yet it was a time to value the important things of life and to enjoy the simplicity. For nearly everyone we met this was the case and bonds quickly formed between people of different backgrounds and nationalities, who we now call friends.

The Camino was a physical achievement that gave us the confidence to realise that maybe we can do things that we thought were beyond us. In our own way, at our own pace, we can attempt exciting adventures and actually do those things we've always thought about doing. Carpe deim!

The kindness, generosity and help that we received and saw demonstrated towards others was very touching. Often in a foreign country in a foreign language you feel like a fish out of water, not understanding the 'norms' or systems. We were challenged (both in Spain and France) by the help of fellow pilgrims and locals who went out of their way to explain cultural differences, guide us, help with heavy luggage, assist with ticket purchases etc. In the future we have determined to be of more help and to show more kindness to those who may need a little support and guidance in our strange country. We were truly touched and humbled by the kindness that we received.

The Camino was a time of learning about ourselves too... this too can be a sobering exercise as you realise that you are very much still a work in progress. Thankfully God is wonderfully patient towards his faltering children.

Overall the Camino was a wonderful experience, a huge privilege and gift to have the opportunity to walk and have a change in pace. Thanks for journeying with us and our advice to you is to add the Camino to your bucket list! With love from Gabe, Biz and Maree

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