Monday, May 10, 2010

beds and comfort

Today is the first day that we have had a sunny day - without rain. What a joy that was and how fast it all went. We always look forward to the end of the day when we arrive in a auberge - a hostel where we can put our feet up. So often the hostellier is a kind man-woman who make you feel at home. Some of them become your friends and you sing songs in the dining room until one of the guests come in and say that it is after 10 and could you please be quiet! Some of the hostelliers are finniky and explain everything in m minute detail. All fine and good as most of them are volunteers. A great service.

Last night we slept in a room with 20 other snorers from Russia, Canada, Holland, Australia, Austria, Ireland, Estonia, Slovania etc. etc. and the space each has is just enough to walk among the beds packed with shoes, clothes, poles, backpacks, etc. Tonight however is different. This is the hilton of auberges. It is is Azofra and each room has only 2 beds. What a bliss after overcorwded rooms and noise. The best thing is that it oonly cost 6 Euro pp (times 2 for NZdollars)

Question: How much comfort and space do we need in this life for a good night´s rest?

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