Friday, May 28, 2010

Hinds Feet on High Places

The flat land (well, relatively speaking!) is behind us and we have been climbing again. After walking for 9 days at around 800 metres we began to climb and enjoyed a most beautiful and scenic climb up to 1400 metres again (much less strenuous than our first day over the mountains) and then back down to around 500. The sun was shinning, the day was stunning and the views spectacular. After a further two days of walking along beautiful rolling countryside we then climbed again to 1300 metres where we stayed last night.

Today we decended to a little over 600 metres where we will sleep tonight. It´s been a great work out for those leg muscles that had thought they had been made redundant and we´ve totally enjoyed it, which may be a sign that we´re gettting fitter. The feet still protest in pain at times.

The most amazing thing is that of the total 764 km we plan to walk from France to Santiago, only approx 130 remain. We only have 6 days of walking left!

Love to you all our friends and family who are cheering us on from afar!

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