Monday, May 3, 2010


Dear friends,

Rain is good - rain gives growth so that those coming after us will have wine, food and shade as the trees will have leaves on them. Rain is also good for the soul as with a poncho over our head we can walk and enjoy the thoughts that come into our minds. Rain is fun as rivers come alive, we can give thanks for bridges and for sturdy shoes and walking sticks. There is so much to give thanks for on day 2 of our walk - another day of drizzle, mist and almost seeing the sun to encourage us.

We left after a general call out at 6am (lights were rudely turned on, the weather forcast was given in 5 langauages and the CD of choir music was over the intercom - 125 people sleeping in a huge ancient hall is something different. Ear plugs are also gifts. the scenery is absolutely beautiful - valleys with cute villages in them, birch forests, good paths and muddy paths, our legs are holding out well and our state of mind is good. We are positive and enjoying whatever comes our way.

Last night we had pasta, trout and yoghurt for dinner with an ample supply of good red wine as that was the pilgrim,s meal. We also joined into the church service at the ancient monastery.

God is good - how good? We are finding that out that He is good all the time.

The question for the day? Are all bridges helpful?

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