Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blue Sky!

We are now sitting by the swimming pool (most unusual) on the lawn of the hostel we are sharing with 50 other pilgrims. The sky is blue, the sun is shinning and some of us are sporting sunburn. We walked another 30 km´s today, through beautiful rolling countryside, stunning views all of the way. Needless to say many of us have sore feet and it is amusing to watch people walking gingerly around, we can emphatise with each other.

It was lovely to walk through stunning countryside today and remember our creator. There is so much you miss when you are driving or your mind is busy with other things. It is so captivating when you walk and have time to take it all in. World events and the troubles of home seem a million miles away. It is enriching for the heart.

Question - why do we take so little time to slow down, ponder, walk and enrich our hearts in every day life?

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